Right, a walkway leading up towards the keep.  The keep has been rebuilt, and it is difficult to determine how much is actually original construction.
Left, a view to one of the gates leading into the inner ward.  The insciption above the gate is in fractur script and is extremely difficult to read, even with a very good photo taken of it.  However, enough of it that is visible indicates that it is a timeline of historical events impacting the castle in the 1630s.  Eventually I plan to work through the script and translate it, but right now I simply don't have the time!

Below left, a view of one of the passages through the outer wall.
Above, a view of another gate within the castle.

Left, a portion of one of the building interiors.  The arched ceilings have been covered with cemet to keep them from collapsing further.

Below, a view of the inner ward and the ruins of what is probably the palas.  The keep is beyond.
Left, a portion of the buildings within the inner ward.  Below the ruined structure is one of the gates that is seen in a few photos above.
Right, one of the buildings that have been partly reconstructed.  The rebuilding shows how the ceilings and roofs were built, as these reconstructions are typically done similar to the way the original was done.  Notice how the stones in the wall are of uneven shape and size, as it was fairly common to not worry about making these of uniform shape.
One of the meeting rooms that has been restored. It appears that the basic structure of the room was intact, but the interior received a makeover.  The room is blocked off and is not directly accessible.